Theme Maker

Welcome to the Exago Theme Maker. This is an easy way to create matching themes for Exago BI reporting features.

Use the check boxes to select which features to create a theme. Each type requires a minimum number of colors. Add more colors by clicking the + button. Remove added colors by clicking the x button.

Colors for all the themes will update in synchronicity. You can unsync a color field from its neighbors by clicking the L button. This button toggles between (L)inked and (U)nlinked.

When you have finished choosing colors, give the theme a name, then click Download. A zip of your selected themes will be downloaded. Extract the containing files into the ExagoWeb\Themes directory.

ExpressView Theme
ExpressViews Icon
Geochart Theme
Geocharts Icon
Chart Theme
Charts Icon
Crosstab Theme
Crosstabs Icon
Express Report Theme
Express Reports Icon